Miley Cyrus Hiked To Hollywood Sign In Heels


For Gucci Shoot Miley Cyrus climbed the Hollywood sign in heels for her latest Gucci fragrance commercial. Miley has been the face of Gucci Flora perfumes since 2021. In the latest Gorgeous Orchid Eau De Parfum ads, she told fans she hiked up a steep hill above Los Angeles in painful shoes to pose in front of the city's famous sign. Miley remarked, "When I told my godmother, Dolly, that I hiked to the Hollywood sign in heels, she said, ‘Honey, I do everything in heels!'" "To me, the Hollywood sign represents making dreams a reality. I love John Lennon’s quote: ‘A dream we dream alone is just a dream, but a dream we dream together becomes reality.’ L.A. is all about making magic happen,” Miley added.  What is the craziest thing you’ve done in heels?

REUTERS/Mike Blake

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